Pricing Plans

no contracts.

built for scale.

Use this subtitle to introduce your product pricing strategy.


Billed Monthly, cancel anytime.
Add a brief description of the plan here and help the user to choose the right plan for them.
  • 5 Unique Items
  • 5 Product Variations
  • Webhooks
  • Great Support
  • Discord Access
  • API
Here’s a long quote from a customer that explains how they used the product and the benefits it afforded them. No need to go on for too long, just three or four lines will do.
Cassandra Higgins
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Billed Monthly, cancel anytime.
Add a brief description of the plan here and help the user to choose the right plan for them.
  • 5 Unique Items
  • 5 Product Variations
  • Webhooks
  • Great Support
  • Discord Access
  • API
Here’s a long quote from a customer that explains how they used the product and the benefits it afforded them. No need to go on for too long, just three or four lines will do.
Cassandra Higgins
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your website design


Create a bold and enduring presence for your business using Instance.
Add some fine print text to the button here.